MAM Oral Care and Teether

The importance of oral care for your baby

Start taking care of your baby's smile right from the beginning! Did you know that baby teeth are already in position before birth? Once they appear, they're vulnerable to external factors. Keeping the inside of your baby's mouth clean is crucial for protecting those precious first teeth from decay. Begin a simple oral care routine early on to make dental care a familiar and comfortable part of your baby's daily routine. Happy smiles start with healthy habits!

MAM Oral Care Range

All MAM baby toothbrushes come with a handy safety shield which helps keep brushes at a safe distance from the back of baby’s mouth.


Massaging brush for baby's oral care 3+ months
Cleans and massages sensitive gums & first teeth
Learn to Brush Set - Baby Toothbrushes 5+ months, set of 2
Set with MAM Training Brush & Baby’s Brush
Baby’s Brush - Baby Toothbrush
Supports independent brushing

Making oral care a fun experience

To keep your baby motivated, it is important that the daily routine is not just necessary but also fun, exciting, and playful. Here are some ideas:

  • An easy tooth-counting rhyme
  •  A special song
  • A companion from the family of cuddly toys, who naturally brushes their teeth too

MAM Teether Range

Ever wonder why babies love putting things in their mouths to chew? When those tiny teeth start making their way through, it tickles, pinches and itches all at once. Putting something in their mouths is their way of finding relief! At MAM, we understand this, and that's why we collaborate with developmental experts and pediatricians to create teethers that not only soothe but also provide the perfect mix of age-appropriate visual stimulation, textures, and chewing surfaces for your baby.


Bite & Relax Phase 1 - Mini Teether
Especially for front teeth
Cooler - Teether
Reaches the molars